July 2, 2024
How to Control Who Sees Your Online Status on Messenger

In today’s interconnected world, maintaining control over your online presence is crucial. Messenger, as a popular messaging platform, allows users to manage their online status, ensuring privacy and communication preferences are respected. This comprehensive guide offers detailed steps to control your online status on Messenger, empowering you to maintain your privacy and communication comfort levels effectively.

Understanding Messenger Online Status

Before delving into the steps to control your online status, let’s clarify what it signifies. Your online status on Messenger indicates whether you’re actively using the app and available to chat or not. It’s visible to your contacts, giving them insights into your availability for communication.

Steps to Control Your Online Status

  1. Launch Messenger: Begin by locating the Messenger app on your device’s home screen or app drawer. It’s identifiable by the Messenger icon—a blue speech bubble with a lightning bolt inside.
    • Note: If you don’t have the Messenger app installed, you can download it from the Google Play Store (for Android devices) or the App Store (for iOS devices).
  2. Log In (if Required): If you’re not logged in automatically, enter your credentials (phone number or email and password) to access your Messenger account.
  3. Access Profile Settings: Once logged in, tap on your profile picture or icon located at the top left corner of the Messenger interface. This action will direct you to your Messenger profile.
  4. Select “Active Status”: Scroll through the profile settings options until you find “Active Status.” Tap on it to proceed to the next step.
  5. Toggle Status Off: Upon accessing the “Active Status” settings, you’ll encounter a toggle switch labeled “Show when you’re active.” Toggle this switch off to hide your active status from all contacts on Messenger.
  6. Customize Your Visibility: If you wish to hide your online status selectively, tap on “Turn off active status for only some contacts.” This option allows you to choose specific individuals from whom you want to conceal your online status.
  7. Save Changes: After configuring your preferences, save the changes by tapping “OK” or “Save” to ensure they take effect.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I Hide My Online Status from Everyone on Messenger?
A: Yes, you have the option to toggle off your active status, effectively hiding it from all contacts.

Q: Will Others Be Notified When I Hide My Active Status?
A: No, Messenger does not notify your contacts when you choose to hide your active status.

Q: Can I Still See the Active Status of Others After Hiding Mine?
A: Yes, you can continue to view the active status of your contacts even if you’ve opted to hide yours.


Effectively managing who sees your online status on Messenger provides you with the autonomy to navigate your online interactions comfortably. By following the outlined steps, you can take charge of your online presence, ensuring that your communication preferences are respected. Whether you opt to conceal your status from everyone or specific contacts, Messenger empowers you to engage on your terms, fostering a sense of control and privacy in your digital interactions.

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